TRUTH TODAY HITTING z BRICKS publication November 13 th 2021, NYC, PFIZER headquarters an “ESSENTIAL WORKERS ” protest; a segment of the speakers prior to the march to Hudson Yards: Mike Kane, John Gilmore,Sophie Madena, Danny Presti, Cat McGuire, John Matland & Anonymous speaks, pardon that the opening speakers name is omitted…Her message is certainly important to hear and these are only a few of the participants of the rally… they are all commended for standing and speaking for freedom… Thank You all … pardon any misspelling of names…

… for specific speakers on timeline: 1:44 opening speaker Essential Worker. 7:35 Mike Kane, Teachers for Choice. 15:33, John Gilmore Children`s Health Defense NY. 26:02, John Matland, wethepeoplearethenews. 32:36, Sophie Madena, Bravest for Choice. 36:53, Danny Presti. 40: 45 Cat McGuire gives details of upcoming rally and march November 20, 2021. 44:20, Anonymous speaks… ??? …