It is or would be more honorable to give oral sex on your knees in the back of a dark alleyway to make a living than to kill people from a cubicle with a joystick and it would be more honorable to bend over in that same alley than to attack Americans & other humans of our planet while they sleep in their beds in what was once the privacy of their own homes. Attacking the defenseless with Directed Energy Weapons from the safety of a cubicle in a trailer in places like the NY NAVY YARD – at least on your knees in the alley or bent over the proverbial barrel you’d be present in the moment & actually participating in the action you are taking; an action in which one is responsible and can be held accountable in the present moment. So have a little respect for yourself and walk out of Schriever Spaceforce base, the TEL AVIV 8200 main office or the INFRAGARD FUSION CENTER of Wall street & take of your uniform, burn it and go find an alley, suck a dick and make an honest RESPECTABLE living. You can leave the sucking dick, the prostitution part out. I apologize for using such a crude analogy – I mean no disrespect to the young men, woman and children that are & have been leveraged, exploited by the economic system and put in those coercive positions – read Whitney Webb’s book(s) ONE NATION UNDER BLACK MAIL and the organizations I mentioned use the sex trade for black mail and leverage- GO TEAM ANGLO- ISRAELI -‘MERICA…