Woody Harrelson Leans Against a Tree as i Show How One Robs a Bridge a Nation & Expose the Technocratic Mechanism of Modern Tyranny

HzB BABBLE from the RABBLE 1st amendment being choked out by soft war tactics of a global corporate coup … 8-3-21

  • https://rokfin.com/post/48152 : In this joint interview, Catherine Austin Fitts of the Solari Report and Whitney Webb of Unlimited Hangout/TLAV take turns asking each other questions about their recent work and discuss different solutions and ways to prepare for what is likely to be a bumpy year ahead.

HzB 911 “D.C ” “Insurrection” political theater and the Grand Game & You are collateral damage … ??? …



… welcome to the BULLSHITITUS ALERT…


HITTING z BRICKS Activism … ??? …


… video references regarding the conversation with the “first responder” the PCR tests from the inventor himself….


CORPORATIONS ARE TERROR CELLS: Corporate status does not protect OR GIVE THE OWNERS IMMUNITY, whether the owner’s be Israeli, Guamanian, British or treasonous Americans, from intentional acts of terrorism. As stated in this lecture at West Point the tactic being taught is WMD squared [ weapons of mass destruction & “DISRUPTION” , “DISRUPTION” with the intent of influencing the targets behavior – that is the definition of terrorism- that is what terrorism is and they are doing it today on American soil – yes they are doing it on Thanksgiving – Now if these corporate perps of this crime be based in Guam or Israel it is an act of War and in the age of the war on terrorism they should be put on the list before Iran because they are actively attacking Americans. Also any corporation or public official participating in such crimes / “terrorism” should be held for treason and tried accordingly… If intelligence homeland security dual citizen subcontractors are terrorizing Americans with this new W.M.Dsquared tech & tactics they cannot hide behind a corporate status and say we are simply a “GLOBAL” cyber security business and that it is legal for them to use their “terrorist” tactics in “Guam “Israel or Britain or China wherever here in America… Nor can it be excused as a few bad apples using this technology as the cyber security of say a local hospital just as an example… though we must be considerate of the fact that these stategists may be using these neuroweapons on our citizen, police and soldier – take the George Floyde incident it would be foolish not to consider that the irrational police officer killing a man in public in front of people holding cameras knowing he was being recorded not possibly being “influenced” by and with neuroweapons W.M.D squared – global chess players commonly create division to influence outcomes and this is the exact intent of the neuro weapons being described in this lecture…