PEDOPHILIA IN the CHURCH – suppressed factors of 911 – MASS FORMATION PSYCHOSIS & You, We the People 5-27-23

I mis spoke @ the end (18:40 on time line) I did not intend to say the economy is meant to be a form of government – what I meant to share is that the economy is intended to serve the people as a component of our society as means to exchange value NOT as governmental lever – also pardon if the use of the word “phenomena” does not sit well regarding the fact of pedophilia in the church – the intent is to state that it is an actuality – an unfortunate reality…

HITTING the BRICKS : ROBERT,sept. 25th,2020…

Video issues corrected. Meet Robert, Brooklyn, NY. Join the conversation…

This is part of the P.R campaign We have been lulled into that is part of the economic “RESET”.

Lady Liberty no longer stands in the harbor with a light to welcome the weak and the weary with the heart and gutts to make their way to America and work for the American dream. The P.R campaign of the “RESET” ( as seen on MTA digital posts at bustops and such) show images of the pillar the “FOUNDATION” that the ACTUAL STATUE OF LIBERTY stands upon empty with a cartoon of lady Liberty in quaranateen looking out a window at the empty space. That is a message of a shadowy story taking place NOW. Your FREEDOM is being robbed bye a narrative a RESET a rewriting of the foundational principles of America. Now following the image just mentioned their was a digital slide show of NYC MTA P.R: a follow up image was of a nurse “hero” “essential worker” holding up the torch of liberty- Now what is the story being told or rather re writen “RESET”. “Essential” workers follow orders like soldiers answer the buggle call without question this is the new support the troops campaign: COVID 19 : the new WAR ON ( drugs-terror-covid 19) FREEDOM, This is the con. The policy makers of past wars used the courage and patriotism and naivety of our young men and woman and sent them into battle under false pretenses. When these “wars” were at hand and afterwards people questioned the policy makers because they Knew the decisions being made were not moral not Constitutional and not in the interest of American sovereignty. So The shot callers, policy makers ,market makers, job creators Global banksters and global interests would use their own counter intelligence to divide the house put one side of America against the other. They put the diverting focus on average Americans : ex. those who do or do not support the troops, in so taking the focus off of where it was meant to be on the criminal policy makers – while furthering the injury of injured soldiers and families in need of healing in order to justify the situation and in so taken the focus off the policy makers and these & those crimes against our people and humanity. DENIAL is a big part of the party line and how the market makers control the workers who were once individuals independent Americans. You see answering the bugle call with out question meant : the young men of the country would fight to protect our constitution and our people his family your family Americans without question. Though honorable men do not think like these deceivers and do not relieze such a immoral deception could take place. Answering the bugle call doesn’t mean to blindly take orders from leaders because one simply puts on a uniform and pledges to a flag/ espescially if those orders be UNCONSTITUTIONAL. It was up to US We the People to be vigilant and know the policy was / is sound , moral, constitutional, that our Brave were are not being deceived and used for their( policy maker minions of global money interests) personal gain – personal gains that went and goes against our basic principles. This has happened. The same tactics are being rolled out in the black & blue lives matter movement which is a diversion from the actual protest that had begun when Americans became aware that the WHO and CDC minion front (regardless of executive orders or not) are tresspassing against our ,We the Peoples ,Inalienable rights – acting out in treasonous ways in order to establish an authority on the physical body and movement FREEDOM of Americans and the GLOBAL POPULATION through Global Financial medical mechanisms: corporations, NGO’S, global power structures that act from INTERNATIONAL corporate law and principles and not from OUR PRINCIPLES OF FREEDOM DECLARED BYE OUR FOREFATHERS AND PENNED IN OR AS THE CONSTITUTION as a guide for We the People to stay vigilant and protect our FREEDOMs from these current action of WAR through justification and fraudulent agreements a war of commerce – media – neurological weapons -global corporations and their employed intelligence agencies (CIA does not serve the constitution it serves the CROWN corporation) and cherry picked source material that has no verifiable base and funded bye Global money interest (FOLLOW THE MONEY). So the new soldiers WHO take orders with out question are the nurses and other “ESSENTIAL WORKERS” but don’t take my word for it – I will put a link below from Erin Olszenski an Iraq war veteran and RN who came up from Florida to NY to be of service though after she experienced the fraud and crime THAT IS COVID19 CORONA VIRUS she put on spyglasses and caught the MD’S in their con: Erin Marie Olszewski Nurse-turned-investigative journalist, she has spent months on the frontlines of the coronavirus pandemic, on the inside in two radically different settings. Two hospitals. One private, the other public. One in Florida, the other in New York.(* link to Erin’s interview)

And not just any New York public hospital, but the “epicenter of the epicenter”

She gave examples of Drs and the hospital making policy that allegedly killed patients policy derived, dictated by WHO and CDC that was against the Hippocratic oath because it put the policy and earnings before the patients well being and at times allegedly killed for money. So when she addressed this with her fellow “ESSENTIAL WORKERS” and “HEROES” she said they all were going along as to not jeapordies they paychecks and jobs. Those are her words not mine. Not so heroic but they push this P.R campaign were LADY LIBERT is imprisoned or complies to arbitrary orders and hides in her apartment peering out at the EMPTY place where LIBERTY once stood one can easily confuse such compliance with “heroism”. I am not judging We the People who are being bombarded with this. People have bills and families and do what they have to do at the moment BUT we must be willing to call out this crime against America. We can NOT accept this as a NEW NORM. We must set it straight. We must break this generational Denial that obedient servants don’t question orders. I’m sure the train workers in Germany never took their jobs thinking they would be carrying human beings to DEATH CAMPS. They where just doing a job and got lulled into compliance. It is the boiling frog procedure. People are climatized into totalitarian rule.

I almost forgot, in regards to the weak and the weary and the redefined RESET of the image of LADY LIBERTY and the foundational principles of America- as the aforemention image of theMTA and NYC digital billboard – the putting of Liberty back in its or her place. So rulers can tell free men and woman when and where to stand as Global employees or endentured servants. The weak and the weary are no longer welcomed – Hard work is no longer a good quality unless you have an “essential pension and health care plan tethered to wall street 401k’s” Negroes and wet backs that walk through a desert with jugs of water and work 7 days a week OFF THE BOOKS are now BAD. Because the federal government is 22 trillion dollars in debt and can’t rob their money like they are robbing yours if its not a paycheck- they just keep on robbing, I mean taxing pensioners and current “essential workers” they simply take it right out of their digital checks and pensions before the email ever hits their bank account. SO all the conservatives who hate big government love Big government. Who were about rugged individualism and hard work NOW hate rugged individuals and hardworkers that arent allowing the Federal government to rob them. Hate big government but LOVE homeland security the biggest expansion of government in the history of the historical world. TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS FROM THE TAXPAYER AND NOT A DIME OF IT FROM ANY PROFITS OR GAINS- ALL OF IT (written debt) GOING TO PENSION PLANS HEALTH CARE AND WAGES TO SECURITY GAURDS OF THE HOMELAND SECURITY BIG GOVERNMENT EXTENSION OF PRE-EMTIVE ACTION TAKE AWAY AMERICAN ‘S INALIENABLE RIGHTS TODAY FOR AN ILLUSORY SECURITY IN THE FUTURE FOR PENSIONS, RANK, TITLE, HEALTH CARE. SOUND A LOT LIKE THE OLD MONARCHY AND NOBILITY CASTE SYSTEM? AMERICA?CONSERVATIVES OR SOCIALISTS? They don’t really make sense but hey WHO? ‘S COUNTING?