a Conversation with Chris Hedges prior to NYC Free Assange and Assange Defense Committee rally: a call for the Extradition of Julian Assange, MSNBC 49th between 5th and 6th Avenue NYC 30 Rockfeller Plaza … ??? …

World Press Freedom Day May 3, 2023 is the 30th anniversary of World Press Freedom Day established by the UN to a remind governments of the need to respect their commitment to press freedom. It is also a day of reflection among media. Join Assange Countdown to Freedom, NYC Free Assange and Assange Defense for a rally at MSNBC to call for the Extradition of Julian Assange to be dropped immediately and unconditionally.
Why is award-winning publisher and journalist, Julian Assange, still in prison?“A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people” John F. Kennedy . MSNBC 49th between 5th and 6th Avenue NYC
30 Rockfeller Plaza
New York, New York

HERE IS A LINK TO Chris Hedges talk to the crowd & his fellow Julian Assange supporters and the full event of speaker led by MC Randy Credico: HITTING z BRICKS documenting the current tecHtonic shift … between two ages ???https://truth-today.org/hitting-z-bricks-activism/76/

a Conversation with Chris Hedges prior to NYC Free Assange and Assange Defense Committee rally: a call for the Extradition of Julian Assange, MSNBC 49th between 5th and 6th Avenue NYC 30 Rockfeller Plaza … ??? …

World Press Freedom Day May 3, 2023 is the 30th anniversary of World Press Freedom Day established by the UN to a remind governments of the need to respect their commitment to press freedom. It is also a day of reflection among media. Join Assange Countdown to Freedom, NYC Free Assange and Assange Defense for a rally at MSNBC to call for the Extradition of Julian Assange to be dropped immediately and unconditionally.
Why is award-winning publisher and journalist, Julian Assange, still in prison?“A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people” John F. Kennedy . MSNBC 49th between 5th and 6th Avenue NYC
30 Rockfeller Plaza
New York, New York

HERE IS A LINK TO Chris Hedges talk to the crowd & his fellow Julian Assange supporters and the full event of speaker led by MC Randy Credico: HITTING z BRICKS documenting the current tecHtonic shift … between two ages ???https://truth-today.org/hitting-z-bricks-activism/76/




” They scorn them for blindness after ordering their eyes to be poke out …”


NESCIENCE -the state of not knowing because the information was never made available. This is different than ignorance – the state of not knowing because one chooses to ignore fact , avoid addressing, confronting, investigating the factors.

We live in a world of illusion. We live in a construct of thought. The constitution derived from the declaration of Independence is derived from natural law; the actual. Generally speaking: We have gone so far into the secondary world of thought that We can barely utter a natural word. Every statement is derived from a political stance the image one has of oneself and the line of BULLSHIT inherent in such – my personalized P.R campaign. Whats in your wallet? FOX NEWS, CNBC, SPORTS CENTER, THE TIMES, BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH. Our sense of self is completely dependent on the beliefs and Ideas one has accumulated from these authorities from start to now – my kindergarden teacher to my coach to this expert and that expert my friend his uncle my girlfriends / wife’s shit show circus with its traditions belief system but she has really great tits so???. These are natural states but we must understand { this is a general statement of course } that sometimes we gotta call out our own bullshit because we all got it. We need to as a country to move on. We need to get honest with our part in this mess. The truth is some people don’t know wtf is going on because they haven’t been given a second to breath. You may or may not understand things. All one has to do is stop for a moment – step back – get off the ride and take a moment a breath and look for ones self. We have come to a point in our country that We are so committed in backing up our BULLSHIT this country is being taken right from under us. REPUBLICAN AND DEMOCRATS ARE EQUALLY RESPONSIBLE…


“We’re all in this together”

HITTING the BRICKS : ROBERT,sept. 25th,2020…

Video issues corrected. Meet Robert, Brooklyn, NY. Join the conversation…

QUOTE of the DAY, OBSERVATION of the DAY. sept. 9th, 2020…


” The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings.”



I’m not sure I can say there is anything wrong with the local raccoon lodge ( Honeymooner reference ). Also in a country like America with such diversity of people from abroad; people from different places in the world will naturally congregate. Private clubs seem a natural right of the people. I think the problem arises when someone takes an oath to office of These United States and has a previous oath taken to a country or group that may take priority. That just seems rational. If someone was not born in America they are not eligible to be president. If someone serves in the military for a foreign nation in any capacity it is clear they have already taken an oath to their country of origin. That does not mean that person or group should be blanketedly barred, it simply means the person or persons may have prior allegiances that take priority other than These United States which needs to be considered. Also We cant allow the structures that succeeded in these secret groups to be implemented in place of our open free society that stands on the Principles of Freedom Declared in the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution. We have made missteps in our “homeland security” approach our freedom has been muddied, made opaque. The country has been turned on its head where We the People have all privacy trespassed upon for “security” and the government of and by the people by the people no longer answers to the people and all the information regarding our public servants activities can be barred for “national security”. A secret government apparatus that surveills We the People of These United States 24/7 paid for of and by with the taxes of the people being surveilled. Though to be more accurate these security services are not being “paid”for responsibly. No irresponsible unesesary DEBT is being created every year in the Billions and Trillions in the name of “security” to prevent an invisible threat from possibly happening and your children and grandchildren are being given this extra burden of debt before they get out of kindergarden. Secrecy does not equate to freedom or even security it creates more problems. Look around you, at our country and the changes since 911. If one is honest you ll see the patriot act and homeland security secret policing and security has initiated this pre-emptive gov/private market approach we are seeing rolled out with the current covid con we currently find ourselves in. It’s handling has being the disaster not the virus.


Who chose what were the essential jobs??? I know 2 school teachers who are working at home during their house arrest – who took a walk to a near bye park yesterday and it was locked. Who chose to lock the park. the public space (We The People???) What are the facts that are driving the decisions to take away those Americans public space and their freedom to move freely around their local living public space. Did We elect them to put into our vocabulary and practice new terms such as”social distancing”. ( Perhaps it is all the international wealth from nations that have monarchies or false democracies anchored in P.R type religion and elite-ism that have servants dress them and serve them from morning to night and don’t like that they speak to them as equals. Or that they use the same elevators. That may have been ok in the buldings they live in and own but it is not ok for the public space OUR AMERICA. Or perhaps this is how they destroy all the small business that are “ESSENTIAL” to “INDEPENDENT” Americans autonomy (Americans that dress themselves and wash their childrens clothing and teach their children to dress themselves and clean up their own rooms before they go out to play ( when they are not under house arrest ). So they can turn everyone into servants of the wall street centered “GLOBAL” pension corporate hospital – health care based “CORPORATE WELFARE STATE” They have taken the beaches the Verizzano bridge , the sidewalks, the parks your freedom to stand and walk freely when you chose to.. They couldn’t bare having people walk freely, without liscence and registration some kind of fee or tax to walk and breath. I think local businesses are “ESSENTIAL” I think Amazon is a non “ESSENTIAL” . I think at this moment of crises all “BILLION” and “TRILLION” $$$ indusrtries and DEBT bail out are “NON ESSENTIAL” actually I see them as being more unhealthy to the United States than the corona virus. I see the “GLOBAL CORPORATE WELFARE STATE” as the corona virus. I believe We should have all these people Quaranteened or deported till We can get rid of the sh*t show they have created – before they suggest their self serving “TECHNOCRATIC” (TECHNOCRACY is the term they are using to replace our almost lost Constitutional Republic-democracy) solution to save us from all the damage they have created in their ” protecting” and “securing” of our safety from it seems the problems they have been creating in order to con us into giving up our inalienable rights. I think “INALIENABLE RIGHTS ARE ESSENTIAL” I think the “CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IS ESSENTIAL” I don’t think home land security or our friendship with Israel or Britain is “ESSENTIAL” I think they have been disasterous to We The People. They seem to have made an alliance during our “STATE OF EMERGENCY” and believe they can re write our laws through illigitamate legislation such as the “BETHLEHEM DOCTRINE” a cowardly document that goes against anything OUR AMERICAN FOREFATHERS CONSIDERED OUR BASIC PRINCIPLES OF FREEDOM. SEND THE BETHLEHEM DOCTRIN BACK TO ISRAEL AND BRITAIN THEY HAVE CAUSED ENOUGH DAMAGE TO OUR REPUBLIC AMERICA- NOT A GLOBAL CORPORATE ALLIANCE. That’s “UN ESSENTIAL” TO FREEDOM. THEY HAVE TAKEN YOUR FREEDOM THROUGH FEAR TACTICS AND THE MEDIA. We are going to start a petition holding our public servants feet to the fire to have all the data regarding the corona virus to validate these restrictions put on American freedoms. Are they telling you to stand in the corner because” Big Daddy” said so or is their valid evidence and data that shows that standing 6 feet apart is a valid response. Just to give an example. That shutting down small “CASH” “OF LINE” “NON DIGITAL” BUSINESSES. We will start a petition and exercise our civic duty and TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK… UNLESS YOU WANT TO BE SERVANTS OF THE GLOBAL CORPORATE WELFARE STATE OR WHATEVER ITS IS CALLED TO BE SERVANTS OF A GLOBAL AUTHORITY AND GIVE UP BEING AN AMERICAN BY UNDECLARING YOUR INALIENABLE RIGHTS TO STAND IN THE CORNER WHEN TOLD TO DO SO. TO HARSH??? TO UNSENSITIVE FOR ALL THE ROUGH AND TOUGH AMERICANS(???) OUT THERE. ITS A DISGRACE. THE FOREFATHER ARE ROLLING OVER IN THEIR GRAVES AND KICKING THEMSELVES IN THE BALLS. MAKE SURE YOU PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG BEFORE YOU STAND IN THE CORNER AND FOLLOW YOUR ORDERS LIKE A GOOD GLOBAL CITIZEN/SERVANT…

CHECK OUT footage from Mrs Ashley’s site showing video taken by We The People fellow citizens on their own time taling video of EMPTY HOSPITALS AND EMERGENCY CENTERS ALL OVER THE WORLD…